3 Essential Aspects to Blogging

This month completes a year blogging with WordPress. During this time, I’ve learned valuable methods, developed sound habits and have been changed because of insightful suggestions. The connections, friendships and challenges during this time have been amazing.

If someone asked me to narrow my list of essential blogging tenets, these following three areas are critical to a blogger.

So learn, modify and perform!

3 Essential Aspects to Blogging by Miguel Wickert
Control Your Mindset. Blogging isn’t easy, period. Like anything in life that’s of value- it will require everything. This game is not for the faint of heart. There will be days when you feel depressed, unmotivated and de-attached. It can be a lonely experience- no comments were left, stats were low and so on.

You’ll be convinced (in your own mind) that you have nothing intelligent to offer. Quitting will become attractive as your drive and inspiration fell into what feels like a long, cold lonely, well. You must press through these times. Hang in there, we’re here to help you.

How to fight and defeat these feelings and thoughts:

Remember your accomplishments
Ask for help
Reward yourself
Don’t be a phony
Write out of your experiences
Consider others first
Find a blogging mentor
What else? (share below)
Know Your Plan. If you don’t have a blogging plan, this covers all aspects to blogging. For example, Do you have a writing schedule? Marketing approach? If you haven’t developed a thorough plan for your weblog, STOP!

Don’t comment on other sites (until your plan is in place), stop wasting time on Twitter and Facebook.

Write out a blogging plan. Get it on paper immediately. Having it on paper goes a long way because you’ll want to keep it in front of you as purse your tasks daily. This will ensure that you stay on track.

Don’t rush the planning process. If you skip over this, your blog or business will fail.

If your serious about your blog no matter the topic, learn to treat it like a business. Think about these things as you write your plan:

Concept Overview/Site Objectives
Core message of your blog
Monetization Strategy
Site Map
Content ideas
Offline Strategy
What else?
Master Your Habits. Consistency is central, I know it’s easier said than done. We all struggle but your worse off if you don’t have a plan in place to rescue you when you’re drowning in a sea of information overload.

Respect the blogosphere- it’s able to distract and hinder your productivity.

If you have bad habits in your life, this will leak into your blogging, you must replace them with sound, efficient immediately. If you haven’t done so already, go pay Leo from Zen Habits a visit.

What are quality blogging habits?

Learning to be original. That’s what people want- people don’t need another blogging guru. Sticking with your writing schedule. For example, you might spend your Sunday and Thursday mornings writing in 3 to 4 hour blocks.
Having purpose and direction. It doesn’t take a college degree to realize that having a sense of purpose (aim) can be the driving force behind your actions.
Master a to do list (or what type of system works for you). The resources and voices out there about productivity are many, so you don’t have any excuses.
More content creation (cannot be overemphasized).
Daily Blogging Checklist (to ensure you don’t miss a step).Talk about a productivity boost.
What else?
Final Thoughts

Boost your blogging output, potential and success- control these areas:

* Mindset
* Plan
* Habits

Efficiency will ignite your blogging output. Also, this isn’t meant to be some secret fomula for overnight success because such a thing doesn’t exist. I believe the three areas mentioned here are essential, and only represent a small steps of an entire process.

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