How To: Become A Blogging Ninja

If you wish to achieve Ninja status as a blogger, get ready, hard work is required. The way of the Ninja is complex: being highly trained in various skills and techniques is necessary. Will you live up?

The blogosphere is loaded with its share of Ninjas. Most of them taught themselves while others benefit from the help of mentors, blogging coaches, so called experts and so on.

One of the most important tips you should learn early on about blogging, social media or just life in general: learn from doing it yourself! Listen up, stop throwing your money way because some guru promises that his training will help push you over the top.

Don’t misunderstand me, I’ve benefited from E-Books, coaching, reading the top blogs and so on. However, it’s up to you to implement: apply the knowledge/abstract ideas.


For example, we can read the best books on writing or swimming but if you never actually practice writing/swimming as often as possible, guess what? You won’t perform, impress, grow or learn to teach others. The most influential individuals are those that share out trial and error; meaning, you can’t effectively talk about what you don’t know. It’s as simple as that.

The Way of the Ninja

Here’s four areas you need to consider and then master.

Write About Something You’re passionate about. If money is your only motivator, you’re in trouble. Making money online isn’t impossible but it’s demanding and requires skills. Your passion about whatever it is you write about, needs to drive you toward action.

Look for ways challenge yourself.
Never think you’ve arrived as a writer.
Yes, read about writing.
Practice daily
Expand your horizons ( you properly better at something you might not have expected- try mixing up your writing/blogging format)
Be a Producer not a consumer. This applies to both newbies and experienced bloggers. If you’re too busy consuming: using more time for social media activity and blog commenting (on other sites) than producing content for your own blog, you’ll never achieve ninja status.

What I’m saying isn’t anything new, you’ve likely heard it before. But as already noted, the game is about action, implementation doing! How are you taking action today?

Respond to readers on your site.
Email a reader.
Answer a reader’s question (you’ve likely overlooked some).
Learn to write in 20 minute bursts.
Set writing goals
Write, write, (step away from the work) review later, revise and publish.
Don’t sabotage other bloggers. Ninja usually are pretty good at screwing up what plan you want to carry out. Get a sense of the blogosphere; meaning, most bloggers are kind, helpful and willing to offer a helping hand. Learn what manners are expected. Don’t spam another bloggers site, email or social space.

Determine what works for you. You’ll hear this over and over again from me. What works for someone else won’t always work for you. While it doesn’t hurt knowing the methods or approaches of others, each person is different. This is a general rule to keep in mind when your debating about buying a E-book, site membership and so on.

Blogging isn’t about secret formulas for success that just happens to work for whoever knows what numbers to punch. Sometimes, it may be by chance, random or simply because you developed a plan that works for you.

Learn to leave quality comments

This is your chance to leave something worth while, treat it like a guest posting opportunity!
Your space is limited, so make the most allotted to you while being meaningful.
Is your comment just another “great job” blog comment or will you be different?
Look for ways to contribute something to the post; consider how it might help other readers.
Engage with other comments; again, this is your chance to possible connect with other readers.
Don’t be aggressive… being honest don’t mean you have to be rude.
Who are you? Are you being genuine? Shine through your comments! :)

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